My mission is
to help your audience to grow their export sales and scale globally.
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Pitchfest 2015
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Keynote 1
There has never
been a better time
to export
It may sound counterintuitive, but there has never been a better time for small agile businesses to export. The impact of COVID-19 on international business has been unexpectedly amazing. I have come to the realisation that small businesses, that are smart and agile, are best positioned to make the most of these challenging times. This keynote is about sharing ways to succeed in these unprecedented times and to get inspired!
Keynote 2
The Power of exporting
Exporting is the best way for small enterprises to future proof their business. It enables them to scale by accessing larger markets and opportunities. It is also a great way to mitigate risks by diversifying markets. Advantages of exporting are numerous, they also include hiring better talents, being in a better position to raise funds. In this keynote, I share all the good reasons why exporting is just a must for small innovative businesses.
Workshop Topic
Generating your first million Euros in Sales in Four easy steps
Christelle has built a masterclass that can either be delivered over a day or be split into several workshops or seminars, where she shares the methodology she has developed over the last fourteen years of working with dozens of Australian small businesses in the European market. In this masterclass she shares her learnings from successes, as well as lessons learned, and practical tools and tips. She likes to include a lot of real life examples in her workshops.
Webinar Topic
The 4 Keys to
Success in Europe
In this series of Four Webinars Christelle focuses mainly on where small businesses go wrong when they export to Europe and how to avoid these pitfalls. The focus keys to success in Europe she focuses on in these 4 -One Hour webinars are
- Choosing the right European Country for your business
- How to recruit, manage and succeed with distributors in international markets
- How to succeed in selling to large European multinational companies and government organisations
- Hire or not hire in Europe? Risks, opportunities and alternatives to build a European sales team.